Is Jesus Christ calling you on the adventure of a lifetime?
Christian Initiation is the process through which individuals are introduced to the Catholic faith and prepared to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. This journey is an opportunity for you to explore, learn, and embrace the teachings of Jesus Christ and the traditions of the Catholic Church.
“Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them…” — Matthew 19:14
The Order of Christian Initiation for Children is the journey in which a child is fully initiated into the Catholic Church.
Who takes OCIC classes?
Children who wish to become Catholic, but have never been baptized as an infant, and are now past the age of reason (age 7) through 13 years old. Those 14 and older attend OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults).
Children who wish to become Catholic but were baptized in another Christian faith (ages 7-13).
Children who were baptized in the Roman Catholic Church but are beyond 2nd Grade (age 7-13) and have not yet received the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion.
At the conclusion of OCIC, children receive all Sacraments of Initiation (baptism—if not previously baptized, Confirmation, and 1st Holy Communion) at the Easter Vigil.
When do OCIC classes occur?
OCIC classes are on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am. The weekly classes begin September 29, 2024 and end on Sunday, April 20, 2025
The Catholic Church has many treasures--there is much to learn! Please plan to attend all OCIA scheduled events.
Please note that the 2024-25 OCIA Registration Deadline is November 3, 2024.
How much does the class cost?
Tuition is $40 per Student.
You may register online here.
You may also download a registration form (found at the bottom of this webpage) and mail it in with your payment.
Need alternative payment options and/or tuition assistance? Please call the Parish Office, at (651) 982-2200 for more information.
Who can I contact for more OCIC information?
St. Peter's Associate Pastor, Fr. Gregory Abbott, at (651) 982-2204 or gabbott@stpeterfl.org.
“Were not our hearts burning within us while Jesus spoke to us on the way and opened the scriptures to us?” — Luke 24:32
Order of Christian Initiation for Adults is the journey in which an adult is received into full communion with the Catholic Church.
Who takes OCIA classes?
OCIA is intended for persons over 14 years of age who have never been baptized, or have never been fully initiated through Eucharist and Confirmation.
People coming from other denominations that wish to become Catholic.
OCIA is also open to non-Catholic adults who simply want to learn more about the Catholic faith.
At the conclusion of OCIA, adults receive all Sacraments of Initiation (baptism—if not previously baptized, Confirmation, and 1st Holy Communion) at the Easter Vigil.
When do OCIA classes occur?
The group gathers weekly on Monday evenings at 6:45pm, from September through April. The Catholic Church has many treasures - there is much to learn! Please plan to attend all OCIA scheduled events.
Please note that the 2024-25 OCIA Registration Deadline is November 4, 2024.
How much does the class cost?
Tuition is $40 per Candidate.
You may register online here.
You may also download a registration form (found at the bottom of this webpage) and mail it in with your payment.
Need alternative payment options and/or tuition assistance? Please call the Parish Office, at (651) 982-2200 for more information.
Who can I contact for more OCIA information?
St. Peter's Associate Pastor, Associate Pastor, Fr. Gregory Abbott, at (651) 982-2204 or gabbott@stpeterfl.org.
Downloadable registration forms may be mailed in with payment to:
Church of St. Peter
1250 South Shore Drive
Forest Lake, MN 55025
Need alternative payment options or tuition assistance? Please call the Parish Office at (651) 982-2200.