Our parish has launched a new way of being parish – through small groups!
Imagine a group that meets you where you are and helps you take the next step in your faith journey. Imagine group leaders that welcome new members (in word and deed), so that you don’t feel like the “odd person out.” Imagine deep prayer, sharing and community. Now stop imagining – and join a small group this Lent!
During Lent, we as a parish community will be focusing on the topic of prayer. Some small group focus areas will be:
Divorce care
General Lenten Small Group(s) - some are open to all, some are by neighborhood, etc.
Parents/Families of St. Peter’s Students
Young Adults (YA Men & YA Women)
Young Parents
You can sign up online here.
Spaces are limited, so come prepared to sign up for your preferred group!
Contact Cindy Casey at (651) 249-8807 or cnccasey@gmail.com or Pam Trudeau at mptrudeau@outlook.com for more information.