Archbishop Bernard Hebda has a dream for our parish, and every parish in this Archdiocese: a dream in which all Catholics are in a small group. He dreams such things because being in small groups can help our faith come more fully to life and help us draw closer to Jesus. In the earliest days of the Church, small groups spread the good news of Jesus – and they can do it again today.
Archbishop Hebda’s Invitation to Read the Pastoral Letter
Archdiocesan Evangelization Prayer
Holy Spirit,
renew your wonders in our time, as though in a new Pentecost,
and grant that this Archdiocese,
united in prayer around Mary, the Mother of Jesus,
and guided by St. Peter,
may spread the Kingdom of the divine Savior,
a Kingdom of truth, of justice, of love, and of peace.
St. Paul, our great missionary patron, pray for us!
(Adapted from the Prayer of St. John XXIII at the calling of the Second Vatican Council.)
After three years of listening, preparation and engagement with laity, consecrated women and men, and clergy across the archdiocese, Archbishop Hebda released his pastoral letter this weekend, November 19-20.
This pastoral letter outlines his vision and Synod Priorities for our local church, informed through feedback from the Synod process.
We invite you to read his post-synodal pastoral letter, You Will Be My Witnesses: Gathered and Sent From the Upper Room by clicking the button below.
The Synod Process
A Synod is a formal representative assembly designed to help a bishop in his shepherding of the local Church.
The purpose is “to discern and establish clear pastoral priorities in a way that will both promote greater unity and lead us to a more vigorous proclamation of Jesus’ good news.”
The pre-Synod process has been designed to engage in a "sincere and respectful ‘mutual listening’ in which everyone has something to learn."
"Moreover, it is not just listening to one another but to the Holy Spirit, the ‘Spirit of Truth’ (Jn 14:17), to know what the Spirit is ‘saying to the Churches’ (Rev. 2:7)."
The pre-Synod process began fall 2019 engaging the People of God — laity, clergy, consecrated men and women and bishops — all walking together at the personal, parish, deanery, and Archdiocesan levels.
The process culminates in the Archdiocesan Synod Assembly to be held Pentecost weekend, June 3-5, 2022, followed by a Pastoral Letter leading to a Pastoral Plan.
Fall 2021: Parish Consultation Process with Small Groups
Small groups meet in every parish to learn, pray, and discuss the focus areas.
Parish feedback on priorities within each focus area will help inform the Deanery consultation.
January/February 2022:
Deanery Consultation Process
Pastors and parish representatives gather one Saturday to learn, pray, and discuss the focus areas.
Deanery feedback will help determine the Synod topics.
June 2022: Archdiocesan Synod
Assembly (Pentecost Weekend)
Approximately 500 appointed delegates (including two from each parish) gather to learn, pray, and discuss the Synod topics and recommend pastoral priorities to Archbishop Hebda.
After considering the Synod recommendations, Archbishop writes a Pastoral Letter (November - Feast of Christ the King) leading to a Pastoral Plan to move our Archdiocese into the future.
Quotes below are from Archbishop Hebda’s June 6, 2019 article in The Catholic Spirit. Find the full article at www.archspm.org/synod.