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  • This group is dedicated to the planning and maintenance of our two cemeteries; Calvary Cemetery located west of I-35 and north of Broadway Avenue on 232nd Street and the Church of St. Joseph of Wyoming Cemetery located east of Hwy 61 on 272nd Street.

  • This volunteer work crew consists of parishioners with a variety of skills.  They come together on Monday mornings and on an “as needed” basis to provide assistance in the maintenance of the parish buildings and grounds. The following skills are requested at various times during the year: carpentry, painting, plastering, masonry, skid loader operator, electrician and grounds maintenance.

  • By sharing talents of bookkeeping and accuracy, this group counts the financial gifts given in the weekend collections. Commitment is once every other week.

  • Small group leaders are needed for the Confirmation program! If you love the Catholic faith and want to share that love with teens, please consider volunteering on Wednesday evenings. Classes run on Wednesday nights from 6:00-7:15 PM. Confirmation classes start in late September and end in late April. Please call Katie Hall at (651) 982-2223 or email her at khall@stpeterfl.org for more information or to sign up.


    What a treasure it is to walk alongside children who are building a relationship with the Lord. We are so grateful to those who give of their time and service to volunteer for Faith Formation! Volunteer roles for our Faith Formation Program include being either a Classroom Teacher or Aide. The time commitment is approximately 2 hours per week on Wednesdays, averaging 3 Wednesdays per month (Sept-April). Volunteers must follow all Safe Environment Program Protocols and strive to be living witnesses of the Catholic Faith. Please reach out if you are interested or please fill out the Volunteer Registration form below.

  • The Community Fall Festival, held in September each year, is the largest fundraising and community building event for the parish. The Fall Festival Committee consists of a Festival Chair and Co-Chair along with various captains. The Festival Chair and Co-Chair oversee the planning and advertising of all activities and entertainment for the weekend and coordinate captains to organize each activity. Short-term time commitments are needed, June through September. Captains responsibilities include overseeing their activity for the weekend, planning, assisting with set-up, and training volunteers to assure the activity runs smoothly.

    Contact Colleen Blackford at 651-982-2227 or email cblackford@stpeterfl.org

  • Volunteers share in supporting families that need temporary assistance with meals because of health issues or other compelling situations. Volunteers prepare a meal for an intended family; a staff member then brings the meal to the family.

  • The Finance Council is an advisory body focusing on the allocation of resources to appropriately serve our different ministries. Responsibilities include planning and overseeing the parish budget, advising on revenue and expenditures, and buildings and grounds planning. The council meets monthly.

  • Most Fridays during Lent, join others for fellowship and a fish meal and/or volunteer to help with food prep and/or serving.

    Questions? Want to volunteer?

    Colleen Blackford • (651) 982-2227 • cblackford@stpeterfl.org 

  • This group of volunteers comes together as needed to prepare and serve the food for our parish funerals. Training provided.

    Contact Colleen Blackford at 651-982-2227 or email at cblackford@stpeterfl.org

  • Receptionists assist the parish staff with short-term general projects.  Greet all visitors, answer phones, and direct calls.  Training will be provided for the various tasks. Volunteer 1/2 day a week or substitute.

  • Parishioners volunteer their time to help with the planting and watering of annual outdoor flowers along with maintenance of perennials on the parish grounds.

  • These appointed members attend and participate in meetings to represent the views of the parish and act in an advisory capacity to our Pastor. Each member serves as a liaison to other parish committees. Meetings are generally held once a month.

  • Stewardship is the response of each individual’s call to discipleship at baptism, returning a portion of the time, talent and treasure God gave us. This committee coordinates the stewardship drive and activities to educate parishioners on how they can  share their gifts with our church community.

  • This group welcomes, orients and registers new parishioners monthly; on the 1st Sunday of each month. This orientation provides new members an opportunity to learn what the parish has to offer as well as what gifts they have to offer the parish. This volunteer opportunity lets you share your excitement about our parish and make people feel welcome!


All volunteers who interact with minors or vulnerable adults are required to complete and maintain safe environment credentials through this Archdiocese. The requirements include a criminal background check, signing a Code of Conduct, and completing safe environment training. Re-credentialing is required every three years. To ensure completion of the requirements before volunteering, or to confirm your status, contact Colleen Blackford, People Coordinator & Safe Environment Coordinator, at (651) 982-2227 or at cblackford@stpeterfl.org.

Visit the Archdiocesan Safe Environment website for additional information, including details on how to report suspected child abuse and resources for Victim Assistance.